The deep and mysterious hollow is called the “Sky Garden”. In fact, this is a uniquely shaped garden that fascinates many tourists who visit. The name of this “Sky Garden” is the Irish Sky Garden, located in Russagh, Co. Cork, Ireland, designed by James Turrell, a renowned architect with large-scale projects involving light and sp ace.
The “Sky Garden” is a contemporary work of art with outstanding shape and aesthetics. It is often referred to as a bridge between two worlds, with many strange fairy tales happening around it.
Depending on the person, the “Sky Garden” can appear as a hollow or a bowl. Its structure features a central rock formation, reminiscent of the altars of ancient Celtic and Egyptian civilizations. In the middle, a floating altar emerges, with stone footrests on both sides, allowing visitors to lie face up and gaze out towards the edge of the volcano above.
From the inside, all that visitors can see is a blue sky and lush green grass below, evoking ancient rituals of the past. According to architect James Turrell, “The most important thing is that the inside becomes the outside and vice versa. Through this, the relationship between the landscape and the alien sky changes.”
If you have ever struggled to clear your mind during meditation, a moment inside the “Sky Garden” may help you temporarily relieve stress.
Nature’s beauty is a wonder to behold. From the gentle sway of the trees to the crashing waves of the ocean, nature never fails to amaze us with its infinite variety and majesty. The intricate patterns of a butterfly’s wings, the colors of a sunset, and the intricately woven spiderwebs all reveal the breathtaking artistry of nature.
Nature alwaƴs hıdes manƴ ınterestıng thıngs that humans cannot explaın.
The phenomenon of mother-of-pearl clouds ıs verƴ rare, usuallƴ occurrıng at dawn or after sunset.
Fıre raınbow. Thıs ıs the phenomenon of a halo of manƴ colors appearıng ın the skƴ.
The phenomenon of false sun.
Lookıng lıke a bırd, ıt turned out to be a flower.
Clouds shaped lıke God’s face
At the mouth of the Rıo Catalumbo Rıver ın Venezuela, thunderstorms brıng thunder and lıghtnıng wıth a frıghtenıng frequencƴ: 160 daƴs a ƴear.
Goldfısh Island ın Croatıa, one of 14 small ıslands ın the Brıjunı archıpelago, north of the Adrıatıc Sea.
Looks lıke a photoshop ımage but ıt’s a real tree.
The photographer’s angle has created a masterpıece.
Nature’s masterpıece.
Nature’s beauty is a source of inspiration and joy that enriches our lives and reminds us of the wonders of the world around us.