
Deutsche Soldaten auf einer BMW R75 mit einem am Fahrzeug montierten MG34 _s2de

Im September 1943 befand sich Italien in einer der turbulentesten Phasen des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Nach dem Sturz Mussolinis und der Kapitulation Italiens standen deutsche Truppen vor der Herausforderung, ihre strategischen Positionen auf der Halbinsel zu halten. Inmitten dieses Chaos spielten…

22 erstaunliche Vintage-Fotografien von Frauen auf Motorrädern aus den 1920er und 1930er Jahren _s2de

Vergessen Sie das Bikini-Model, das seine Motorräder vorführt, denn Frauen lieben Motorräder! Seit es Motorräder gibt, gibt es auch knallharte Frauen, die keine Angst davor haben, die Fahrten ihres Lebens zu unternehmen. Marjorie Cottle (zweite von links), eine berühmte Motorradfahrerin,…

12+ Amazing Color Photographs of the London Smog Disaster of 1952 _s2uk

The Great Smog of London, or Great Smog of 1952, was a severe air-pollution event that affected the British capital of London in early December 1952. A period of cold weather, combined with an anticyclone and windless conditions, collected airborne…


Did You Know: 1930s Flour Sacks Had Colorful Patterns for Women to Sew Dresses From _s2

Back in the 1930s, flour companies began noticing that women were turning their cotton flour sacks into clothing, diapers, dish cloths and more. Times were hard and the companies decided to help families out by packaging their flour in beautiful…


36+ Amazing Vintage Photographs That Show Street Scenes of Sydney, Australia in the Late 19th Century _s2

Sydney was founded in 1788 when the first fleet arrived in Australia from England. The city grew at a phenomenal rate through the 19th century even though transportation to New South Wales ended in 1840. By 1861 the population of…


Bikes, Bicycles, Pushbikes _s2

It’s as easy as riding a bike. These photographs from the collection of the State Library of New South Wales celebrate the timeless joy of the bicycle. Man on a penny-farthing bicycle being chased by his sister (Maggie & Bob Spiers) –…


Take a Trip Back Into 1950s Montreal Through Beautiful Color Photos _s2

The 1950s were a simpler time. A time where every man wore a tie to work, no matter what is job was, and modern conveniences meant housewives could just get hammered all day. Looking back to Montreal in the 1950s,…


40+ Candid Photographs of Canadian Teenage Girls in the 1940s _s2

There were no mods and rockers in 1940s but simply youths who wanted to have a good time. Although the term ‘teenager’ was not coined until the 1950s the beginnings of the ‘teenager’ can be seen in the 1940s. Teens…

Über 45 faszinierende Farbfotos fangen die Straßenszenen Berlins im Jahr 1954 ein _s2333

In den 1950er Jahren war die deutsche Hauptstadt zu einem gespaltenen Mikrokosmos des Kalten Krieges geworden. Ostberlin wurde von der kommunistischen Regierung Ostdeutschlands kontrolliert, während der westliche Teil der Stadt von den USA und ihren Verbündeten besetzt und versorgt wurde….


Lịch sử tượng đài Đức Thánh Trần Hưng Đạo ở công trường Mê Linh _s2

Với người Sài Gòn suốt hơn nửa thế kỷ qua, hình ảnh tượng Đức Thánh Trần Hưng Đạo ở công trường Mê Linh – Bến Bạch Đằng là hình ảnh quen thuộc không thể nào quên. Ban đầu tượng đài…