American Teen Fashion 50 Years Ago – Interesting B&W Pictures of High Shool Students in the US during 1960s _s2us
Their hairstyles and uniform clothes were really interesting! These B&W vintage pictures show American high school students in the 1960s.
20+ Vintage School Group Photos from the 1950s _s2us
For how many years on dwelling the earth, living the life adulthood, stressful responsibilities often make us think going back to childhood, especially the years where we meet our first best-friend, our first crush and other stuff that detaches us…
Wonderful Color Photographs Capture Street Scenes of Montreal, Canada in the 1960s _s2
These wonderful color photographs from the Archives de la Ville de Montréal capture street scenes of Montreal, Canada in the 1960s… Wonderful Color Photographs Capture Street Scenes of Montreal, Canada in the 1960s Wonderful Color Photographs Capture Street Scenes of Montreal,…
Take a Trip Back Into 1950s Montreal Through Beautiful Color Photos _s2
The 1950s were a simpler time. A time where every man wore a tie to work, no matter what is job was, and modern conveniences meant housewives could just get hammered all day. Looking back to Montreal in the 1950s,…
30+ Vintage Photographs Capture Scenes of High School Typing Classes From Between the 1950s and 1970s _s2us
Call it keyboarding, or old-school typing… During the 1950s and ’60s typewriting was taught mostly in elementary schools, and there was a widely held conviction that typewriting skills might fast-forward a student’s acquisition of the English language — especially spelling….
23+ Beautiful Color Photos That Capture Everyday Life of Toronto During the 1950s _s2ca
Toronto is the most populous city in Canada, the provincial capital of Ontario, and the centre of the Greater Toronto Area, the most populous metropolitan area in Canada. A global city, it is an international centre of business, finance, arts,…
Ontario in the 1950s Through Amazing Color Photos _s2ca
Ontario is one of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada. Located in Central Canada, it is Canada’s most populous province, with 38.3 percent of the country’s population, and is the second-largest province by total area (after Quebec). Ontario is…
24+ Beautiful Color Photos That Capture Everyday Life of Toronto During the 1950s _s2ca
Toronto is the most populous city in Canada, the provincial capital of Ontario, and the centre of the Greater Toronto Area, the most populous metropolitan area in Canada. A global city, it is an international centre of business, finance, arts,…
Expo 67 Through Amazing Found Photos _s2ca
The 1967 International and Universal Exposition, commonly known as Expo 67, was a general exhibition from April 27 to October 29, 1967. It was a category one world’s fair held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is considered to be one…
18 Wonderful Color Photographs That Capture Street Scenes of Vancouver, Canada in the 1970s _s2ca
The 1970s were Vancouver’s coming-of-age decade. It transformed the city from a hotbed of political rebellion into a cosmopolitan destination ready to greet the world for Expo ’86. Below are 18 wonderful color photographs of Vancouver in the 1970s. …