35+ Amazing Photos Capture Street Scenes of London in the Early 20th Century _s2uk
London entered the 20th century at the height of its influence as the capital of one of the largest empires in history, but the new century was to bring many challenges. London’s population continued to grow rapidly in the early…
Old Photos of City Churches in London a Century Ago _s2uk
Here are old photos of City churches (and a few nearby), taken for the London & Middlesex Archaeological Society a century ago. St Clement Danes, c. 1900 St. Magnus the Martyr, c. 1910 St Magnus the Martyr & the…
12+ Amazing Vintage Photographs Captured the 1926 General Strike in London _s2uk
Britain’s first and only General Strike began on 3 May 1926, and ended ten days later. The event was a watershed for labour relations in Britain, and bitterly divided opinion. The strike was called by the Trades Union Congress (T.U.C.)…
Vintage Photos of Buses in London Streets in the Early 20th Century _s2uk
The first buses to come into service did so slightly earlier, though – back in London. As soon as the war began, London’s buses were pressed into action. Here is a small collection of vintage pictures that show London’s traffic…
24+ Eerie Black and White Photographs That Show London Fog Scenes From the Early 20th Century _s2uk
London was covered in “fog” at the beginning of the 20th century, culminating in the Great Smog in 1952. The Clean Air Act was implemented in 1956, but the fatalities from the Great Smog are said to have reached 12,000. Here’s…
The Streets of Old London _s2uk
Piccadilly, c. 1900 Piccadilly Circus, c. 1900 St Clement Danes, c. 1910 Hoardings in Knightsbridge, c. 1935 Wych St, c.1890 Highgate Forge, Highgate High St, 1900 Strand Yard, Highgate, 1900 Bangor St, Kensington, c. 1900…
56 Amazing Vintage Photos of Everyday Life in London in the 1920s _s2uk
Most of the pictures here come from the triple volume Wonderful London, with many of them by photographer Donald McLeish. Published in the 1920s and long out of print, this huge work is an astonishing feat and a valuable addition…
40+ Amazing Vintage Photographs That Capture Everyday Life in London During the 1920s _s2uk1
London in the 1920s changed its mood. The lifting of war time restrictions in the early 1920s created new sorts of night-life in the West End. Entrepreneurs opened clubs, restaurants and dance halls to cater for the new crazes: jazz…
40+ Amazing Vintage Photographs That Capture Everyday Life in London During the 1920s _s2uk
London in the 1920s changed its mood. The lifting of war time restrictions in the early 1920s created new sorts of night-life in the West End. Entrepreneurs opened clubs, restaurants and dance halls to cater for the new crazes: jazz…
Pictures of London Wartime Nightlife Under Blackout Conditions, 1944 _s2uk
London under blackout conditions. On September 17, 1944, the blackout was replaced by a partial “dim-out”. The blackout began two days before the war began. Under blackout rules, everyone had to cover up their windows at night with black material….