Year: 2025

Old US

Cycling in Toronto in the Early 20th Century _s2

The omnipresence of the bicycle and bike culture in 1890s Toronto far surpasses anything we know today. But remarkably, the political issues associated with cycling are almost unchanged. Cycling club in Toronto, 1900 In the 1890s Toronotonians were preoccupied with…

36+ Amazing Vintage Photographs That Show Street Scenes of Sydney, Australia in the Late 19th Century _s21

Sydney was founded in 1788 when the first fleet arrived in Australia from England. The city grew at a phenomenal rate through the 19th century even though transportation to New South Wales ended in 1840. By 1861 the population of…


36+ Amazing Vintage Photographs That Show Street Scenes of Sydney, Australia in the Late 19th Century _s2

Sydney was founded in 1788 when the first fleet arrived in Australia from England. The city grew at a phenomenal rate through the 19th century even though transportation to New South Wales ended in 1840. By 1861 the population of…

Old US

Pictures of the Early Chinese Canadians in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries _s2

Here’s a collection vintage photos of Canada’s Chinese population in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Chinese quarters in Toronto, 1923. Chinese printing office on Louisa Street, Toronto, 1923.   Chinese at work on C.P.R. (Canadian Pacific Railway) in…

Music US

Over 60 Years Ago, the King of Rock and Roll Unveiled the Timeless Love Ballad “Can’t Help Falling in Love” _s2

About The Song More than six decades ago, The King of Rock and Roll released one of the most timeless and enduring songs of all time. It’s none other than the spine-tingling love ballad, “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” The…

Music US

Elvis Presley’s First and Only Live Performance of “Moody Blue” – Just Six Months Before His Passing. Watch His Exclusive Rendition Below _s2

About The Song “Moody Blue” is a song made famous by Elvis Presley. The song was written by Mark Jameswho recorded the original version of the song, which reached #15 in South Africa during the summer of 1976. Early in…

Music US

Elvis Presley’s 1970 Hit “You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me” Tops the Billboard Easy Listening Chart _s2

About The Song – “You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me” (originally a 1965 Italian song, ‘”Io che non vivo (senza te)”, by Pino Donaggio and Vito Pallavicini) is a 1966 hit recorded by English singer Dusty Springfield that…

Old Fr

Photos en couleur de Paris en 1942-44 _s21

Photos en couleur de Paris en 1942-44   Photos en couleur de Paris en 1942-44   Photos en couleur de Paris en 1942-44 Photos en couleur de Paris en 1942-44 Photos en couleur de Paris en 1942-44   Photos en…

Old De

Ost- und West-Berlin im Jahr 1970 durch erstaunliche Farbfotos _s212

Um der steigenden Überalterung der Stadtbevölkerung Rechnung zu tragen, versucht der West-Berliner Senat, junge Fachkräfte aus der Bundesrepublik anzuwerben. 1970 ist bereits ein Fünftel der West-Berliner über 65 Jahre alt. Ein Berlin-Bonus soll junge Menschen in die Stadt locken. Ost-Berlin…

Old De

Ost- und West-Berlin im Jahr 1970 durch erstaunliche Farbfotos _s211

Um der steigenden Überalterung der Stadtbevölkerung Rechnung zu tragen, versucht der West-Berliner Senat, junge Fachkräfte aus der Bundesrepublik anzuwerben. 1970 ist bereits ein Fünftel der West-Berliner über 65 Jahre alt. Ein Berlin-Bonus soll junge Menschen in die Stadt locken. Ost-Berlin…