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30+ Photos de portraits en couleur rares de soldats français pendant la Première Guerre mondiale _s2

La photographie est plus ancienne que vous ne le pensez et la photographie en couleur, elle aussi, est une technologie étonnamment précoce, ayant été démontrée pour la première fois dans les années 1860. Pourtant, beaucoup d’entre nous voient le monde…

Old Uk

Street Scenes of London in 1987 Through Fascinating Photos _s2uk

The 1980s in London was a decade of considerable change. Long established industries, street scenes, shops and ways of life were being swept away and the often divisive politics of the time were visible painted along the walls. These fascinating…

Old US

54+ Stunning Color Photos Document Everyday Life in Canada during the 1960s _s2ca

These stunning color photos were taken by a Canadian amateur photographer, they show everyday life mostly in Vancouver, and few other cities in Canada during the 1960s. Banff Main Street, Alberta, 1960   Bayshore Inn, Vancouver, 1960   British Columbia…

24+ photos vintage étonnantes capturent la culture des cafés parisiens des années 1950 _s222

Pour les Français, l’idée de la culture du café remonte à des siècles, lorsque les grands penseurs, poètes, philosophes, artistes et même les révolutionnaires de France se réunissaient dans leur café local pour débattre, partager et comploter. Au XIXe siècle, la café society, comme…

Le métro parisien a fêté ses 120 ans : retour en images sur son histoire _s22

Le 19 juillet 1900, la première rame de métro circulait à Paris. 120 ans plus tard, cet aspect essentiel de nos vies fête son anniversaire. Paris Secret vous propose un petit voyage dans la temps, à la découverte du passé du métro parisien…

Tại sao nhẫn giả hùng mạnh như Madara lại tuyên bố Guy là người mạnh nhất? _NarVN s2

Dưới đây là lý do tại sao Madara tuyên bố Might Guy là kẻ mạnh nhất trong Naruto Shippuden. Might Guy luôn được coi là một nhân vật mạnh mẽ trong Naruto và có biệt danh là “Mãnh thú Ngọc…

Story US

The Remarkable Journey of Felicity Huffman: A Comprehensive Biography _s2st

Felicity Huffman is a renowned actress whose career spans decades of remarkable work in film, television, and theater. Known for her versatility and commitment to her craft, Huffman has garnered critical acclaim for her performances and earned a special place…

Old Uk

30+ Stunning Color Photographs That Capture Swinging London Scene in the 1960s _s2uk

The Swinging Sixties was a youth-driven cultural revolution that took place in the United Kingdom during the mid-to-late 1960s, emphasizing modernity and fun-loving hedonism, with Swinging London as its center. It saw a flourishing in art, music and fashion, and…


Liệu Madara có thể đánh bại Naruto và Sasuke nếu Hắc Zetsu không phản bội? _NarVN s2

Nếu Madara là “trùm cuối” của Naruto Shippuden thì trận chiến cuối cùng sẽ như thế nào? Như các bạn đã biết, cái kết của manga/anime Naruto Shippuden đầy những “khúc cua”, khiến độc giả đi từ bất ngờ này…

26+ magnifiques photos enneigées de la France ancienne _s22

Plongez dans la beauté intemporelle de la France ancienne à travers ces 25 magnifiques photos enneigées. Ces images capturent l’essence des villages pittoresques, des châteaux majestueux et des paysages hivernaux enchanteurs, nous transportant dans un passé empreint d’histoire et de…