Rarely Seen Vintage Photographs of a Lost London From Between the 1900s and 1910s _s2uk
A small collection of rare vintage photographs of London, taken between the 1910s and 1910s, from the Archives of English Heritage. The photographs provide a unique record of whole districts of London as they were vanishing… Arch, Shepherd’s Place, off…
Old Pictures of London in Victorian Era _s2uk
1888: Traffic on Regent Circus, now known as Oxford Circus, London, facing east along Oxford Street. In the foreground is a man towing his barrel organ on wheels. (Photo by London Stereoscopic Company/Getty Images) A cyclist riding a penny…
Spirit of Christmas: Fascinating Photos That Show How People Celebrated the Holidays From the Early 20th Century _s2uk
The history of Christmas traditions changed enormously in the 19th century, when most of the familiar components of the modern Christmas including St. Nicholas, Santa Claus, and Christmas trees, became popular. Check out these 19 fascinating vintage photographs and see…
Umfunktionierter deutscher Helm – Eine Geschichte aus den Ardennen _s2de
In der Nachkriegszeit, als Materialien und lebensnotwendige Güter knapp waren, nutzten die Menschen in vielen kriegsgebeutelten Regionen alles, was ihnen zur Verfügung stand, um ihren täglichen Bedarf zu decken. Ein perfektes Beispiel für diese Einfallsreichtum ist ein deutscher Militärhelm aus…
30+ seltene und erstaunliche Vintage-Fotografien fangen die Ruinen Berlins durch einen sowjetischen Kriegsfotografen ein _s2de
Letztes Jahr hörte der Fotograf Arthur Bondar , dass die Familie eines sowjetischen Kriegsfotografen seine Negative verkaufte. Der Fotograf Valery Faminsky hatte für die sowjetische Armee gearbeitet und seine Negative aus der Ukraine und Deutschland bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 2011…
34+ Amazing Photos Capture Street Scenes of London in the Early 20th Century _s2uk
London entered the 20th century at the height of its influence as the capital of one of the largest empires in history, but the new century was to bring many challenges. London’s population continued to grow rapidly in the early…
35+ Amazing Photos Capture Street Scenes of London in the Early 20th Century _s2uk
London entered the 20th century at the height of its influence as the capital of one of the largest empires in history, but the new century was to bring many challenges. London’s population continued to grow rapidly in the early…
Old Photos of City Churches in London a Century Ago _s2uk
Here are old photos of City churches (and a few nearby), taken for the London & Middlesex Archaeological Society a century ago. St Clement Danes, c. 1900 St. Magnus the Martyr, c. 1910 St Magnus the Martyr & the…
12+ Amazing Vintage Photographs Captured the 1926 General Strike in London _s2uk
Britain’s first and only General Strike began on 3 May 1926, and ended ten days later. The event was a watershed for labour relations in Britain, and bitterly divided opinion. The strike was called by the Trades Union Congress (T.U.C.)…
25+ incroyables photos colorisées révèlent à quoi ressemblait la vie des soldats français pendant la Première Guerre mondiale _s2fr
L’artiste Frédéric Duirez a redéfini la Première Guerre mondiale telle que nous la connaissons en retouchant des photos sans couleur avec Photoshop. Chaque cliché a été recouvert de tons différents par-dessus les photographies originales pour apporter une nouvelle profondeur. Ils offrent un…